Similar in specification to the Stud Cubes, Stud Mix is suitable for all types of breeding stock from broodmares in pregnancy and lactation, stallions, foals, weanlings and yearlings. Stud Mix contains slightly higher cereal content versus the Stud Cubes and hence has overall higher starch content.
Highly palatable, energy-dense muesli ideal to support optimum condition and skeletal development.
Provides concentrated nutrition when foal growth restricts intake in late pregnancy.
Full fat soya supplies essential amino acids including lysine and methionine to aid growth and development of the foal and to support maximum milk yields.
Inclusion of live yeast increases fibre digestion.
Bioplex® trace elements including Copper, Zinc and Manganese maximise availability.
Sel-Plex® organic selenium helps to maintain additional antioxidant support.
High levels of Vitamin E support the reproductive system.
Proviox natural plant antioxidants support Vitamin E utilisation.
Ideal for picky feeders who select out individual ingredients from coarse feeds.
Suitable for breeding mares at all stages, growing young stock and breeding stallions.
Instructions for use
Complementary feed for horses and ponies as a supplement to ad-lib forage and water. Feed GAIN Stud Mix to broodmares, stallions and young stock. Overtopped horses and young stock prone to DOD should be fed GAIN Opti-Care Balancer or GAIN Stud-Care 32 Balancer. Feed 0.5-1.5kg/day/100kg bodyweight. Do not exceed the recommended maximum feeding rate. Adjust feeding rates for bodyweight, condition, work, weather and forage. Do not feed with forage from high selenium soils. Do not feed to sheep or other livestock. Store in a cool dry place.
GAIN Equine Nutrition produces a complete range of Equine Nutrition to cater for all sectors of the equine industry. Whether you are involved in racing, breeding, leisure riding or competitive equestrian sport we have a product to ensure that your horse performs to optimum levels.