GAIN Animal Nutrition is proudly Irish
GAIN Animal Nutrition is proud to be a home-grown Irish company with strong local roots and an extensive network of local suppliers.
GAIN Animal Nutrition is proudly Irish
GAIN Animal Nutrition is proud to be a home-grown Irish company with strong local roots and an extensive network of local suppliers.

Tirlán FarmLife
Tirlán FarmLife is our online portal that gives our farmers access to our latest technical advice, online services and our product range 24/7 from the palm of their hands. Our award-winning online shop offers Ireland’s widest range of farming products with fast delivery nationwide.
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Calving – A simple approach to a busy time
Here is some timely advice on calf management and rearing. Think CALVES when you’re [...]
Finishing beef cattle at grass
Grazed grass is the cheapest feedstuff available to Irish farmers. Good grassland [...]
Feeding the dairy cow post-calving
Re-iterating the importance of providing a healthy transition period from last week’s [...]
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