Golden retriever puppy running through grass

Making your puppy part of the family

Congratulations on getting a new puppy! This article is going to outline how you can make your puppy part of the family with some basic training tips and tricks.

Collar and lead training

Before you take your puppy out, introduce them to their collar and lead. Start with a light collar and let them get used to wearing it on their own.
Do not buckle it too tightly, just enough to stop it slipping over their head. First, accustom them to the lead rather than trying to make them walk with it on.

Taking your puppy out on the lead is essential for keeping your puppy under control in public places and for the basic training for every young dog. Coax them to follow you by praise, but if they try to get away, just hold the lead until they realise there is no escape.

Once your dog is used to the collar, you can begin the basic training, designed to turn them into a quiet, respectful and social animal.

Training your puppy to ‘Sit’

Consistent training is key. Reward them with a show of affection and by stroking them when they do well. Do not punish a dog for not obeying a command. Simply withhold the reward or they will associate the command with punishment. Keep the lessons short and make it fun for the dog to learn.

Training a puppy requires patience, it is useful to use short words of command with vowels that sound clearly different. The first four essentials are:

  • ‘HEEL’
  • ‘SIT’
  • ‘COME’
  • ‘DOWN’

11 rules for living with your Puppy

  • Train your dog in general obedience so that you have control at all times.
  • Feed your dog at regular times and keep to a routine.
  • Feed your dog from their own dish and not dishes that you would use.
  • Keep your dog on a lead anywhere near the road, or where there are farm animals.
  • Do not allow your dog to ‘do their business’ on walkways, buildings, lawns and gardens or open spaces where children play. Always clean up after them.
  • Do not allow your dog to be noisy and disturb the neighbours.
  • Provide your dog with their own bed. Don’t let them sleep in yours.
  • Never take your dog into a food shop.
  • Keep your dog clean and regularly groomed.
  • Register your pet as a patient and yourself as a client with the veterinary surgeon.
  • Make proper arrangements for the care of your pet when you are going on holidays.

Enjoy your new friend

This is a special time, so enjoy every moment of getting to know your new addition.

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